martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

T.S. Eliot's poems.

If I have to connect Eliot's poems to the picture that I saw in class. I think that there are two subtitle which are appropriated. The first one is "The Burial of the death" because we as human beings are natura's members, and we are distroying it without mercy. Even though, sometimes nature is distruction when there are big winter storms or when it is very hot in a country provoking drought, both are able to provoke a higger caos in human's life. But, these are natural events that anyman can not prevent. However, we are supposedly racional people. We know that we are finishing with ourselves, and we are not able to do anything about it.

The second subtitle is the "Death by Water", this is connected with the first one because witouth water there is not life. In fact, we are doing that our world is dying every time that we contaminate our oceans, farms and air. The picture show us this distruction because there are two people inside a garbage which is falling with debris. How can these people live if around them are a lot of rubbish. Also, inside the picture there is polluted atmosphere, there is not water, not a clean place at all. Fort that reason, I think that Eliot imaged this picture in his mind many years ago and wrote these two poems describing our reality.

1 comentario:

Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...

Hi Barbara,
Good post. The two sub-titles that you have chosen relate very well to the picture and vice-versa. Your reflection about nature, destruction and water are good points and they are very contemporary as you say at the end. What Eliot depicts in his "Waste Land" is not very far from what we see now. Let´s hope for better things anyway!!