lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

Figure of fathers in Lawrence's stories

Lawrence in his stories talks about fathers figure in a superficial way. Because he presents in "The Rocking - Horse Winner" and "The Odour of Chrysanthemums" stories fathers who are absent. In fact, in the first story the child Paul only has an emotional relation with his mother, and also he needs her love and approbation, his father is called as an unlucky person who only has to work in order to earn money for the family. Paul never talks about his father using nice words or expressions saying that he is emotionally important for him.

In The Odour of Chrysanthemums story is worse because here we can find a poor family where there is a father who is not only absent, also he is drunk and better person. He is a coal miner, so he works for earning a less salary, but he spends his money drinking.

Both stories show us fathers who only are supplier of money, they are not really important in his families. In effect, it is more important the roll of the mothers than the fathers in family. I think still today, there are families where fathers are only seen how suppler of money, and not father of loving their children and their wives. However, it is true that today fathers are taking a different attitude with their children. The mojority of fathers are worried about giving love to their children, and also they are paticipating in their education as well as mothers have been doing.

1 comentario:

Pauly dijo...

Dear friend: I do really agree with you. the fathers in both stories are completely absent. In fact we know about them through others person, and that shows you the emptyness that there is in the relationship between the characters.
