jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Essay " Romantic poetry"

English literature, during the half of the eighteenth and at the begginig of the nineteenth centuries, suffered a change related to how writers began to write using Romantic styles. A great exponet of Romantic writers was John Keats. He wrote a lot of poems based on a language melancholic and sensual images which have characterized his poetry.

First of all, Romanticism was a movement against aristocratic social, politics norms and scientific thoughts. "The movement stressed strong emotion as a source of aesthetic experience, placing new emphasis on such emotion as trepidation, horror and awe."("Romanticism") In fact, Romantic artists wanted to come back to the origin of human beings, this means, they started to emphasize the important of deep and dark feelings of people as Greeks before did. John Keats was one of those artists who wrote poems using classical literature styles.

According to John Keats, he was born in Moorgate in London in 1795. His father was an hostler who died when he was seven years old. His mother remarried soon, but her new marriage did not work, so she decided to leave her husband. Keats and his family moved to his grandmother's house, it was there where his mother died of tuberculosis. Keats started to study classical literature, especially Greek culture. For that reason, one of his famous book is called "Endymion" which is based on the Greek myth Endymion. In this book there is a poem which has an incredible natural descriptions of rives, trees and sheep, and also with feelings love, for example. John's life was filled with tragic personal incidents, that is why most of his works have a level of lossing and sadness.

However, I think that Romanticism was a demostration of how writers came back to use the classical literature in order to show their dissatisfied with all social events that were happened in those times. Furthermore, most of Romantic artists wrote their works inspired on their tragic life like: accidents, parents, friends or lovers death, lack of love, and so on. Using Greek techniques, John Keats wrote his poems with feelings and natural elements getting off the real world. "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness; butstill will keep A bower quiet for us..."("A thing of beauty is a joy forever")

In conclusion, the connection between Romantic poetry and John Keats is evident because in one his poem from "Endymion", we can find human feelings and natural descritions which are put on magic forms, doing everything harmonic and beutiful. There are not exist any scientific or rational thoughts inside Keats' poems. Romanticism was and will be a sign of real people feelings.


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