martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

The invisible Japanese Gentlemen"

Greene's short story presents eleven characters. But there are three important Characters: The narrator, the Lady writer and her fiancé. First of all, the author shows a narrator who notices everything around him. He pays attention to what this couple says and what kind of attitudes they have. Second, the Lady writer is a superficial and selfish woman who is only interested in her works, and how much money her publisher is going to pay for her novels. She doesn't care what happen around her, and also what her fiancé can feel or think about what she is saying to him. The Fiancé is a man who feels scare if he says anything that her girlfriend could take as an attack against her.On the other hand, this short story has a lot of details. In effect, we as readers are able to know that there are eight Japanese gentlemen eating an expensive fish in a restaurant.Also, that there is a couple who is talking about the Lady's novel which is going to be sell. All these things are narrated by the narrator, who observes what this couple is talking and their gestures. All details, wich are giving by the narrator, are able to provoke that we can imagine the Lady and her fiancé's psychological and psichologycal personalities.According to the title, the name is because at the final of the story the Lady never noticed that there were Japanese gentlemen in the restaurant. She was so worried about the name of her novel and her publisher that she did not pay attention to them. In fact, it was only her fianacé who saw and made her a comment about all these Japanese gentlemen, when they were picking up their coats.

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