miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

W.H. Auden & Stephen Spender

In the poems "September 1, 1939" written by Auden, and "Two Armies" Spender created, it is possible to find a description of what was happened in those times. Both writers mention how wars are able to destroy not only cities but people life, above all, younger ones. They talk about what things children learn in "schoolchildren" as Auden says, but what kind of school are they talking about. I think that they are referring to Military "schools", where younger people are prepared in order to fight against other, and most of the time they really do not know why they have to do it.

In addition, Spender poem has a lot of details what kind of behavior young solders have to have "Men freeze and hunger. No one is given leave. On either side, except the dead and wounded." (First Stanza) So, they have to be prepared to do and support everything, not matter what happen around them, they HAVE to be strong and kill their enemy. Having lived all things cruel things the majority of younger solders can not be happy or be good after a war. I think that both writers want to show us that our society is responsible that solders are not able to live in a better way because they were created to kill people when exist a disagreement between nations.

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