miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

W.H. Auden & Stephen Spender

In the poems "September 1, 1939" written by Auden, and "Two Armies" Spender created, it is possible to find a description of what was happened in those times. Both writers mention how wars are able to destroy not only cities but people life, above all, younger ones. They talk about what things children learn in "schoolchildren" as Auden says, but what kind of school are they talking about. I think that they are referring to Military "schools", where younger people are prepared in order to fight against other, and most of the time they really do not know why they have to do it.

In addition, Spender poem has a lot of details what kind of behavior young solders have to have "Men freeze and hunger. No one is given leave. On either side, except the dead and wounded." (First Stanza) So, they have to be prepared to do and support everything, not matter what happen around them, they HAVE to be strong and kill their enemy. Having lived all things cruel things the majority of younger solders can not be happy or be good after a war. I think that both writers want to show us that our society is responsible that solders are not able to live in a better way because they were created to kill people when exist a disagreement between nations.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Virginia Woolf

When I read "Room of One's Own" of Virginia Woolf, I started to think all things that women had to do in order to have men's respect. In those days, women were unable to write some critical because they were not educated to do that. Women education was based on to be great mothers, lovely wives, and to do housework well. So, when women won suffrage, they also won their own space in order to write critically about women. This meant, women began to write about themselves using most of the time their own life experience.
Women have proved that they are NOT the weaker sex. In effect, women have a lot of rolls or activities in their lives which make them important citizens, professionals, mother, wives, and so on. It could be women are more important than men.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

The invisible Japanese Gentlemen"

Greene's short story presents eleven characters. But there are three important Characters: The narrator, the Lady writer and her fiancé. First of all, the author shows a narrator who notices everything around him. He pays attention to what this couple says and what kind of attitudes they have. Second, the Lady writer is a superficial and selfish woman who is only interested in her works, and how much money her publisher is going to pay for her novels. She doesn't care what happen around her, and also what her fiancé can feel or think about what she is saying to him. The Fiancé is a man who feels scare if he says anything that her girlfriend could take as an attack against her.On the other hand, this short story has a lot of details. In effect, we as readers are able to know that there are eight Japanese gentlemen eating an expensive fish in a restaurant.Also, that there is a couple who is talking about the Lady's novel which is going to be sell. All these things are narrated by the narrator, who observes what this couple is talking and their gestures. All details, wich are giving by the narrator, are able to provoke that we can imagine the Lady and her fiancé's psychological and psichologycal personalities.According to the title, the name is because at the final of the story the Lady never noticed that there were Japanese gentlemen in the restaurant. She was so worried about the name of her novel and her publisher that she did not pay attention to them. In fact, it was only her fianacé who saw and made her a comment about all these Japanese gentlemen, when they were picking up their coats.

Oliver Twist and The signalman

In the short story "The signal- man and the movie "Oliver Twist", I could find a lot of interesting themes like: Fear, Working class, Poverty and Power. Both show how people in those days feared because they did not know what would happen with their jobs, society, and the most importantly, with their own lives. In fact, people in those times, especially women and children, started working in different places with low salaries. They were exposed to death or have a work accident.
However, power is another important theme. I could see how people who had power could take advantage of poor people, especially children who did not have parents. In effect, rich people could abuse of their power with people who did not have any kind of education. But, the power and rich people were and will be taking advantage of lower social classes.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

T.S. Eliot's poems.

If I have to connect Eliot's poems to the picture that I saw in class. I think that there are two subtitle which are appropriated. The first one is "The Burial of the death" because we as human beings are natura's members, and we are distroying it without mercy. Even though, sometimes nature is distruction when there are big winter storms or when it is very hot in a country provoking drought, both are able to provoke a higger caos in human's life. But, these are natural events that anyman can not prevent. However, we are supposedly racional people. We know that we are finishing with ourselves, and we are not able to do anything about it.

The second subtitle is the "Death by Water", this is connected with the first one because witouth water there is not life. In fact, we are doing that our world is dying every time that we contaminate our oceans, farms and air. The picture show us this distruction because there are two people inside a garbage which is falling with debris. How can these people live if around them are a lot of rubbish. Also, inside the picture there is polluted atmosphere, there is not water, not a clean place at all. Fort that reason, I think that Eliot imaged this picture in his mind many years ago and wrote these two poems describing our reality.