martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

God on Frankenstein

Mary Shelley in her novel "Frankenstein"gives Victor the power to create a new creature using different parts of human beings. It is here where we can perceive the author wanted to show us that men are constantly trying to imitate God in order to produce or create new things. Human beings, above all artists, think that they are able to create the Nature. But, this thought is wrong because men are only able to transform natural elements not create them at all.

On the other hand, this novel presents to us a good question which is : Who is the moster Victor or his creation? If we think about the monster, Victor wanted create a creature similar to him. So, if his creature was a monster, Victor was a monster too. At the same time, if God created human beings similar to him and Victor is one of them, it is likely that God is also a monster, but what kind of monster is he? In fact, we have to define if a monster is a monster for his or her physical appearance or psychological attitudes. Furthermore, Victor took an attitude of God not also when he created this monster, but when he left his monster alone giving him "Free well" as well as God gives Human beings. In effect, the monster became to learn on streets good and bad things, so he had to choose what things do or not.

3 comentarios:

Sebastopol dijo...

Hello Barbara *_*
It is a good analysis of this attempt of "playing"to be a God based on the knowledge that human acquires from different sources like sciences.
I saw in Victor the curiosity to create a being by attaching parts of the body, just like the aouthor when creates the novel by joining her research about literature and sciences. Both tried to feel recognized ny the society they lived in respectively.

See you

Sergio dijo...

Hi Bárbara! As we had previously talked, this is an issue that needs to be brought up to a deeper discussion since I really think your ideas are quite interesting. See you tomorrow!

Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...

Hi Barbara,
Who is the monster? This is a very good point. To create a human-like-being by joining parts from the dead, goes beyond any limits.

Playing God, as you say, maybe, but the same as a mother who gives birth, isn´t it the problem who takes care and how care is given to the creature so that he or she grows up as a happy being?. Free will is a human virtue, but sometimes it is misused and the results are not very happy to say the least.

One issue that your reflection makes me think of is who takes the responsibility for the suffering of those who are damaged as a result of free will. After all, everything we do has a consequence, don´t you think?
Well done!